December club meeting

Jefferson's 14944 W 87th St, Lenexa, Kansas

Social hours 5-7pm, business meeting at 7pm

Wheelin in the New Year at KS Rocks

Kansas Rocks Recreation Park KRRP 2051 130th Street, 2051 130th St, KS

Let’s ring in the New Year with a trip to KRocks!! We’ll meet up at Casey’s in Pleasanton at 8:30 to gas up and get snacks. Plan on leaving from...

MWK Board Meeting

Board meetings for 2025 will be held on the First Thursday of every month via virtual meeting space.  2025 Board Members and invited guests will be present.

Board Planning Session

Board members are invited to attend a planning session for the 2025 year to discuss goals, vision, and responsibilities.

Winter Ride in the Flint Hills

Richard Waeltermann, a long-time club-member, is organizing a Winter Trail Ride on some of the local minimum maintenance roads around the  Emporia, KS area.  He's looking to expand the route...

February Club Meeting: Side Pockets Blue Springs

Side Pockets in Blue Springs 1237 MO-7, Blue Springs, MO, United States

MWK's first club meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.  Come and kick off the wheeling season with new membership swag and reconnect with your...

MWK Feels the Chill – of Frostbite

Kansas Rocks Recreation Park KRRP 2051 130th Street, 2051 130th St, KS

Let's get the wheeling season started with a trip to Kansas Rocks Recreation Park!!! This isn't an MWK-hosted event, just one we really enjoy attending together!! The park's annual Frostbite...

First Aid/Trauma/AED Training

Gladstone Fire Station #2 6569 N Prospect Ave, Gladstone, United States

Club members - join us for first aid and trauma training provided by the fire chief for the City of Gladstone, MO.  We always want to avoid situations where someone...


Adopt-a-Trail Day at Kansas Rocks Recreation Park

Kansas Rocks Recreation Park KRRP 2051 130th Street, 2051 130th St, KS

Every year, MWK spends a couple of days helping out with trail maintenance at Kansas Rocks Recreation Park. May 3rd and September 6th Trail Adopters help with trail maintenance. Come...